Daily Stoic Entry #160: What Do I Need to Nip in the Bud Right Now?

June 9th, 2022

Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).

Morning Reflection:

Diet and sleep, take some rest for real. Get proper sleep, go to bed on time. you still haven't been able to do that consistently yet.

Evening Reflection:

As far as diet goes, increase your water intake three-fold. Cut out caffeine, it will also help you with your sleep schedule. Take some pride in taking care of yourself.

Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.



Dennis Greenwood

Data Analyst/BI Consultant by day, writer by night. Figuring out life one day at a time. Writing about my discoveries. Trying to find my place in the world.