Daily Stoic Entry #165: Do I Have a Hold on the Right Handle of this Situation?

June 14th, 2022

Dennis Greenwood
1 min readJan 15, 2023

Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).

Morning Reflection:

It depends on the situation. In general, I look at the best side of the matter. However, as we all do, I have my blind spots where I'm easily tricked by my emotions and first impressions of things. Such things as dating, despite being relatively attractive, and receive attention from women, I am not confident in myself. I still get anxious and overinvest. I'm having some trouble to let that go and grab this by the right handle.

Evening Reflection:

I also don't really know where this insecurity and fear comes from. Obviously, the breakup last year had a significant impact and perhaps the ease of how that relationship developed is not typical. I'm now finding it to be a little more work. Which is fine, it allows me to work through some of my personal and emotional trauma and nerves around this.

Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.



Dennis Greenwood

Data Analyst/BI Consultant by day, writer by night. Figuring out life one day at a time. Writing about my discoveries. Trying to find my place in the world.