Daily Stoic Entry #193: What Principles Govern My Behavior?
July 12th, 2022
Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).
Morning Reflection:
Compassion and kindness should be at the top of the list. Which I believe I live up to most times, I hope so anyway. All the other principles other than trying to be a good person have and will be examined closely.
Evening Reflection:
Other principles I'm still developing or changing principles. They shouldn't be static. As I look more deeply into what I want and need in life these last couple of months. I've found that I need to change and abandon old principles which don't serve me anymore. Or rather abandon the unconscious habits and principles I have developed over time that keep me stuck. As is the case for all of us.

Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.