Daily Stoic Entry #263: Can I Keep Life's Rhythm No Matter the Interruption?
September 21st, 2022
Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).
Morning Reflection:
That's been the lesson, in addition to others, I've been trying to learn and adapt as an attitude. As the saying goes: 'Life goes on', so let's find a way to continue its rhythm and when we stumble, to recover our stride and keep going. There will be moments where we want to hide away from the world. Which I can be particularly guilty of. But life will continue, and you must as well. Stagnation and staying still won't make you feel any better in the end.
Evening Reflection:
Even when we stumble, we must allow ourselves to stumble, and not feel guilty about it. getting knocked off course is not shameful or somehow a defeat. It doesn't reflect anything about you as a person. Failure is part of the process. When we stumble, we, or rather I tend to spiral when it does happen. When the negative thought patterns spiral too far, we've allowed a small stumble to take on more significance than necessary. So, when you do stumble it's okay to feel bad but end it at a point, try to keep it to factual size of the problem.
Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.