Daily Stoic Entry #267: What Am I a Slave To?

September 25th, 2022

Dennis Greenwood
2 min readOct 14, 2024

Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).

Morning Reflection:

Desire, addiction, distractions. Specifically stuff like sugar, energy drinks, YouTube, Netflix, etc. Desire for riches and 'no 9–5 job'. I consider myself a slave to these because I know they don't serve me as beneficial long-term. The other side of the coin for example is reading. I Spend a lot of time doing that but don't consider myself a slave to that since it's enjoyable and benefits me and I find it a good habit.

Evening Reflection:

I've been wondering what else I'm a slave to. Specifically, the assumptions and images I have constructed about myself. Like the fixed mindsets that are simply constructs of the mind that don't serve me anymore. The belief you're not dateable or attractive for one is one of those things that pops up occasionally. You know it to be false and only is a means of self-sabotage. The same holds true for other things such as believing you cannot learn something new or can't focus, or whatever, or that you will never be able to overcome depression. That's you're just stuck. It's all false.

Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.



Dennis Greenwood
Dennis Greenwood

Written by Dennis Greenwood

Data Analyst by day, writer by night. Figuring out life one day at a time. A life unexamined is not worth living so I write. . https://ko-fi.com/dennisgreenwood