Daily Stoic Entry #274: If Wisdom Is the Most Valuable Asset, How Have I Invested in It?
October 2nd, 2022
Follow along with my personal daily stoic journal, unfiltered, unedited (except for some spelling mistakes).
Morning Reflection:
Self-reflection and mindfulness. This is how I have invested in my 'valuable asset'. Because this is how you keep developing this asset by learning about yourself through self-reflection. Mindfulness then allows you to put it into practice in the present moment.
Evening Reflection:
But wisdom must also be developed and learned through engaging and living life. through experience because can one call it true wisdom if it merely comes brook and self-reflection? No, it must be earned and tested through living life. And that's where I am lacking if am being honest, it is too nice and comfortable to stay inside and read books. I'm introverted but there is no sense in hiding away from the world either.
Title prompts are taken from The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.